The Hindi language is rich with words borrowed from various languages, and one such word is “क्वाइट” (pronounced as “kwait”). Derived from English, “क्वाइट” has found its way into the Hindi lexicon, carrying its unique meaning and usage. In this article, we will explore the various dimensions of “क्वाइट” and delve into its meaning in Hindi.
Description for Quite Meaning in Hindi
The term “क्वाइट” (pronounced as “kwait”) is an English word that has established its place in the Hindi language as well. In Hindi, “क्वाइट” is used to convey a sense of stillness, calmness, or moderation. It is primarily an adverb often used to indicate a degree or extent of something. It can also be used to express agreement or affirmation in certain contexts.
Quite Meaning in Various Ways
The meaning of “क्वाइट” in Hindi can be understood in various ways:
1. Silent or Stillness: “क्वाइट” can be used to describe a state of silence or stillness, either in a physical or metaphorical sense. For example, “वो क्वाइट खड़ा था” (He was standing still).
2. Moderate or Fairly: “क्वाइट” can also indicate a moderate degree or extent of something. It is often used to suggest neither too much nor too little. For example, “वह क्वाइट लम्बा है” (It is quite long).
3. Quite Agreeing: In some cases, “क्वाइट” is used to express agreement or affirmation. It conveys a positive response or acceptance. For example, “ठीक है, क्वाइट कर दो” (Alright, go ahead).
Quite Meaning in Hindi with Sentence Samples
1. यह नदी क्वाइट बह रही है। (The river is flowing quietly.)
2. आपके उत्तर में क्वाइट वास्तविकता है। (Your answer is quite accurate.)
3. मुझे क्वाइट भूख लग रही है। (I am quite hungry.)
4. वह क्वाइट और शांत मन से अपना काम करता है। (He works with a calm and quiet mind.)
5. यह घर क्वाइट स्थान पर स्थित है। (This house is located in a quiet place.)
6. उसने क्वाइट तरीके से सवाल का उत्तर दिया। (He answered the question quite appropriately.)
7. इस रेस्टोरेंट में खाने की सेवा बहुत क्वाइट है। (The service at this restaurant is quite good.)
8. वे क्वाइट चुपचाप दौड़ रहे थे। (They were running quietly.)
Quite Antonyms in Hindi and English
Hindi | English |
बिल्कुल | Absolutely |
अधिकतर | Mostly |
ज्यादातर | More often |
अधिक | More |
पूरी तरह से | Completely |
बहुत | Very |
प्रायः | Almost |
Quite Synonyms in Hindi and English
Hindi | English |
ठीक | Alright |
साफ | Clear |
उचित | Proper |
समझौते करना | Compromise |
खुशी | Happiness |
शान्त | Peaceful |
नम्रता | Humbleness |
मीठा | Sweet |
Quite Q&A in Hindi and English
1. “क्वाइट” का हिंदी में अनुवाद क्या होता है?
“क्वाइट” का हिंदी में अनुवाद अद्यतन के मायने में “बहुत” होता है।
2. “क्वाइट” का विलोम क्या होता है?
“क्वाइट” का विलोम “बातूनी” होता है।
3. “क्वाइट” शब्द का इस्तेमाल किस प्रकार की परिस्थितियों में किया जा सकता है?
“क्वाइट” शब्द प्रायः मध्यम, तटस्थ, या सुखी स्थिति का व्यक्त करने के लिए प्रयोग में लाया जाता है। यह शांति और उचितता का भाव दर्शाता है।
4. “क्वाइट” शब्द का प्रयोग एक वाक्य में दर्शाने के लिए कीसे किया जा सकता है?
उदाहरण के तौर पर, “वह रात भर क्वाइट सोया”। (He slept quietly all night.)
5. “क्वाइट” और “सम्पूर्णतया” में क्या अंतर है?
“क्वाइट” का अर्थ मध्यम या यथार्थता का होता है, जबकि “सम्पूर्णतया” पूर्णतया या पूरी तरह से का अर्थ होता है।
6. What is the English Translation of “क्वाइट”?
The English translation of “क्वाइट” is “quite” itself.
7. How is “क्वाइट” Different From “ठीक”?
While both words can be used to convey a sense of agreement or confirmation, “क्वाइट” is more commonly used in informal situations, whereas “ठीक” is used in both formal and informal contexts.
8. Can “क्वाइट” Be Used to Describe Someone’s Personality?
Yes, “क्वाइट” can be used to describe someone calm or reserved in nature. For example, “He is quite introverted.”
9. Is “क्वाइट” Used to Express Surprise or Shock?
No, “क्वाइट” is primarily used to convey moderation or agreement. Expressions of surprise or shock are better conveyed using other words or phrases.
10. Can “क्वाइट” Be Used to Describe a Large Quantity?
No, “क्वाइट” is used to indicate a moderate or fair degree, so it is not suitable for describing a large quantity. Other words like “अधिक” (more) or “बहुत” (very) are more appropriate.
“क्वाइट” holds an important place in the Hindi language, conveying the essence of stillness, moderation, and agreement. Its versatility allows it to bring depth and nuance to our expressions in different contexts. As we continue to embrace words from other languages, “क्वाइट” serves as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of language and its ability to capture the subtleties of human experiences.

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