”Those who spit hate out there mouth are wildly broken inside, I’m not mad at them, I feel sorry as fuck for them.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Give me kind as fuck and “B” skills over Complete asshole with “A+” skills. How you interact with the other boys and girls matters the most!

”Slow down the macro (you got time in life)…speed up the micro (get more done daily).”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I suck at selling, I’m great I’m talking about the things I care about.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”The ability to not care about anybody else’s opinions is the singular gateway to happiness.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Being yourself is so much easier  Who you trying to impress?– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Stop judging yourself, so many beating themselves up, did you try as hard as you could? Did you have good intent? Good, you won.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Reputation is the ultimate currency.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Then actually start helping.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Your focus on hating yesterday is killing your opportunity to love tomorrow.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Hoping today is a day you get an insight on yourself and it leads to more happiness.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”When you stay in your lane and speak about things you’ve lived and have done, it tends to work out.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Supply and demand is undefeated.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Gratitude is the cure.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”People are better at creating ceiling for themselves than any outside force.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you’re so happy, then start putting happiness out into the universe.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You don’t have to eliminate negative family, you have to limit it.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Happiness over flashiness – stop the confusion.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”People aren’t willing to sacrifice for what they want.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Kindness is karma.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Anger and retaliation is never the reaction to venom. Never.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Practice positive perspective: 3P’s.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I like the game of thinking, whether it’s winning or losing.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”By the age of 7, 80% of my activities outside were business.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I’m such an animal of the market, that’s what makes me so adaptable.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Don’t judge the end of the first quarter.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I don’t want your money, I want your admiration.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”A lot of you are looking for the next step, when the next step is what got you there in the first place.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you’re good enough, no one is stopping you.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Kids… want to be happy? Get off your parents payroll, the quicker they stop paying for stuff, the sooner they have no “say”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You find what you’re looking for.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Everyone is trying to prove something with final results or showing they bought something.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you tell everyone you’re going to do something and you change your mind 100 days in, that’s a strength not a weakness.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You either want to become the “magazine” or the person they put on the front of the “magazine.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I lack entitlement. It’s my strength.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Something that happened yesterday, has nothing to do with tomorrow.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Want to prove something? Prove that you are enjoying the process of figuring yourself out and chasing your current ambitions and curiosities.’– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You don’t want what your friends want, so why the fuck would you care?– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you 100% enjoy the chaos and the unknown, you’re an entrepreneur.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”The biggest asset in the world is your mindset”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Every parent is judging their kids based on yesterday, but your kids are living in today, which is a better indicator of tomorrow.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You fucked up. They’re 49% of the equation, you are 51.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you think about business like a computer, culture is the operating system. Everything else is an “app.” Finance is an app. Creative is an app. Strategy is an app. But culture is the operating system.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”When you find something you like and you’re good at it, life is a lot better than when you only chase money or dwell that the system is against you.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Makes me actually laugh how many people think kindness is a weakness… its the ultimate strength.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”It makes no sense why people think that at 18, 22, 30, that they have to have their life figured out when “figuring everything out” is a forever game.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”No matter where you start, how you finish is on you.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Nobody owes you shit.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Looking backwards fucks with your neck.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Shit changes …. get used to it.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Don’t waste energy. Focus on what you control. Not what you wish you controlled.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Wanna be happy? Have zero expectations of others.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”It’s possible. The question is are you hungry enough and willing to fucking eat shit, or are you soft?– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Google is your mother.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I don’t want the money, I want the freedom.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you live for weekends and vacations, your shit is broken.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”My lack of education allows me to keep things very simple. But simple is what plays out.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

” You’re not entitled to your dreams.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”The Internet doesn’t care that you’re not interested in learning. It will continue to evolve without you.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I’m educating… and my tuition is free.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Don’t waste energy … focus on what you control, not what you wish you controlled.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”When you realize how unimportant you are to 99.999999999% of people, their judgment losses weight. They aren’t worried about you, they have their own shit.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”The difference between a great CEO and one who isn’t is that one understands they’re a “parent”, while the other thinks they’re a “babysitter.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”People want to succeed fast because they want to prove something to somebody else. That’s what makes them vulnerable.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”We have a whole culture that is disproportionately judging the youth that they fucking parented.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Don’t create “fake environments” for your kids. They’ll fall hard later in life.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I’m not trying to be cool, I’m trying to be happy.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”When you do what you love, you’re consistent as fuck.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

” You’re gonna die, do something about it.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You’re not lazy, you just don’t love what you do.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”You move fast when you don’t pay attention to judgement.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I don’t give a fuck about what anybody thinks about me, because they don’t know who the fuck I am inside.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

” Happiness over money.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”When you’re grateful, you see full cups!– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Allowing people’s opinion to dictate your behavior, has to stop.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Instead of reading chapters 1, 2 and 3 start writing 4, 5, and 6.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

” Want to be happy? Have zero expectations of others.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”People lose because they want things fast. When life is long.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”How you make your money is more important than how much you make.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

” Nobody likes transition when it costs them money, the problem is the market doesn’t care about you.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”If you’re complaining, you have to check your receipts.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”The amount of people seeing this in their feed on Instagram that don’t believe in what they sell is devastating.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”There’s nothing passive about building wealth. There is no fucking system. There is no fucking shortcut. It’s a fucking marathon.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Drink $50 coffee if you are happy and don’t complain, but if you’re crying, check your bills!– Gary Vaynerchuk

”Everybody’s so crippled by decisions, but you’ll never know how the other thing worked out.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I think people overthink decisions. There’s no time machine, there’s no future machine – you’ll never know what the alternative would have been. So just pick one and do it!– Gary Vaynerchuk

”I just don’t think your degree is as safe as you think.”– Gary Vaynerchuk

By Yuvraj Kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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