100+ best Nipsey Hussle Quotes

Nipsey Hussle, born Ermias Joseph Asghedom, was an influential figure not just in the realm of music but also a significant contributor to his community. The imprints of his footprints on the sands of the music industry and his community engagement work form an enduring legacy that transcends far beyond his music.

Nipsey Hussle’s quotes offer a profound glimpse into the philosophies that guided his life and actions. They serve as an ongoing testament to his beliefs, aspirations, and staunch commitment to uplifting the community where he sprouted from.

Our world is different without him, and these Nipsey Hussle quotations will demonstrate that The Marathon Keeps going even after he’s gone.

With Nipsey Hussle’s lyrics on free enterprise, journey, and encouragement, you can know your Victory Lap is approaching.

Hussle, real identity Ermias Ashgedom, was a well-known rapper and lyricist who stood for much more than just music.

He rose above his early life circumstances to become a backbone in his society.

These Nipsey Hussle quotations will demonstrate:

that you can be whatever you want regardless of your situations, planning and hard work are crucial features of achievement that people don’t see that the haters don’t matter.

Nipsey Hussle, who was born in Los Angeles, California, appeared from the West Coast hip-hop scene in the mid-2000s and became recognised for his numerous soundtracks.

Victory Lap, his starrer studio album, was released in 2018 to rave reviews and record sales.

At the 61st Grammys in 2019, the song was up for Best Greatest Hits album.

Beyond his musicianship, Hussle was also recognized for his business.

He embodied innovation and ownership, and he was heavily involved in bitcoin.

Nipsey Hussle was a leading light and one of rap’s most innovative artists.

Many people identified with Hussle because he was always looking for ways to motivate people, particularly people of color, to own investments and put individuals in positions of wealth and strength.

Even though Nipsey Hussle is no longer alive, his memory will live on.

Check out our most famous quotation article, a collection of short motivational quotes to help you get through the day.

100+ Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes

  1. “Control your time—use every minute wisely.” – Nipsey Hussle
  2. “If what I believe is proved to be wrong, then I guess I’m a miracle.” – Nipsey Hussle
  3. “People, if you break down the music, you could find the truth.” – Nipsey Hussle
  4. “Play the game like I’ve never won once.” – Nipsey Hussle
  5. “My experience with power, you can maintain it, or you get it taken from you. You get you some newfound power and go crazy, and it gets taken from you quick.” – Nipsey Hussle
  6. “Be truthful with yourself and other people, and try your best to make decisions outside of your ego.” – Nipsey Hussle
  7. “I’m not in it for fame. I’ve been famous in the streets already.” – Nipsey Hussle
  8. “As an entrepreneur, as an investor, I’m trying to be as educated as I can to where the progression of technological capability is going and what it does to these different categories that, me as an artist and an influencer, I can get involved and bring value.” – Nipsey Hussle
  9. “The game will test you never fold. Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you, it’s in you. And what’s in you, they can never take away.” – Nipsey Hussle
  10. “I realized the power of hip-hop. I realized how influential this music and this culture are.” – Nipsey Hussle
  11. “Spoke some things into the universe and they appeared, I say it’s worth it, I won’t say it’s fair. Find your purpose or you wastin’ air.” – Nipsey Hussle
  12. “Every step is like chess—the wrong move gets you killed.” – Nipsey Hussle
  13. “I don’t ever make moves under pressure.” – Nipsey Hussle
  14. “The reason children accept discipline from their parents is because they know their parents love them.” – Nipsey Hussle
  15. “I think you can make a pure artistic product if you understand how to build your own industry.” – Nipsey Hussle
  16. “Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it’s happening.” – Nipsey Hussle
  17. “My God will never make me and break me. I have faith.” – Nipsey Hussle
  18. “I’m not into trading ownership of the only asset I have, which is my intellectual property.” – Nipsey Hussle
  19. “We are playing the long game. We don’t want the money to stop when we go, when we can’t work no more. We want it to outlive us, we want it to be generational.” – Nipsey Hussle
  20. “As an artist, as a brand, as a rapper, as a musician, you know you have a window and a lot of people, even an athlete; they don’t have no exit strategy. It’s just living in the false reality that it’s going to be like this forever.” – Nipsey Hussle
  21. “The best thing you can do for a person is to inspire them. That’s the best currency you can offer—inspiration.” – Nipsey Hussle
  22. “Been stabbed in my heart so much, I learned to smile while I bleed.” – Nipsey Hussle
  23. “It’s not called quitting if you quit while you ahead. It’s about being aware and being strategic enough to know that you got to get out of the pool at some point. You got to put your clothes back on and dry off.” – Nipsey Hussle
  24. “I was raised differently because even if you wish me the worst, I will still wish you the best.” – Nipsey Hussle
  25. “Life is just a fight against your disbeliefs.” – Nipsey Hussle
  26. “I took my wildest dreams then mapped them out.” – Nipsey Hussle
  27. “Get that dirt up off your shoulder, step yo game up.” – Nipsey Hussle
  28. “If you’re a hustler, you should find somewhere to capitalize off that and turn it into some money.” – Nipsey Hussle
  29. “First get ‘yo grind on, then get yo’ shine on.” – Nipsey Hussle
  30. “And we were raised wrong but we stayed strong and we kept it real, we got faked on.” – Nipsey Hussle
  31. “‘Cause if you share your success and not your struggle, you’re a fool.” – Nipsey Hussle
  32. “Every artist wants something different out of the game.” – Nipsey Hussle
  33. “Sometimes, people, they too, destroy you—precisely because they recognize your power not because they don’t see it , but because they see it, and they don’t want it to exist.” – Nipsey Hussle
  34. “When you let go of your pride, you’ll find a lesson in your pain.” – Nipsey Hussle
  35. “The artist part of me always wants to be appreciated. I read every review. But I never wanted to seek validation by awards or anything controlled by politics.” – Nipsey Hussle
  36. “I think everybody’s trying to get to a place in themselves where they conquer what they was afraid of; they achieve some of their life goals, kept their word about what they were trying to do.” – Nipsey Hussle
  37. “Ownership is everything. Own your mind, mind your own.” – Nipsey Hussle
  38. “Create a plan and then attack it. A dream without a plan is a wish.” – Nipsey Hussle
  39. “Be your own biggest fan, your own biggest believer, and put it on your back and carry the weight.” – Nipsey Hussle
  40. “I identify myself as a hustler since I was a young kid.” – Nipsey Hussle
  41. “Come to my hood I’ll show you desperation.” – Nipsey Hussle
  42. “I hate to lose, so I play too rough.” – Nipsey Hussle
  43. “Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can’t take steps toward whatever your goal is.” – Nipsey Hussle
  44. “Having strong enemies is a blessing.” – Nipsey Hussle
  45. “I respect Snoop even aside from the music—just as a man, and especially the way he still represents who he is, after being a pop star and an icon. He’s done it successfully and has still been able to balance it…” – Nipsey Hussle
  46. “And it’s possible to monetize your art without compromising the integrity of it for commerce.” – Nipsey Hussle
  47. “On a mission, your worst enemy is idle time.” – Nipsey Hussle
  48. “If I wasn’t involved in this hip-hop, I’d probably be breakin’ the law to eat and feed my family and maintain the lifestyle that I’m used to.” – Nipsey Hussle
  49. “Study your queen so you can give her what she wants without asking.” – Nipsey Hussle
  50. “I always had faith in my creative capacity.” – Nipsey Hussle
  51. “Premature certainty is the enemy of the truth.” – Nipsey Hussle
  52. “When it’s all over, all that counts is how the story’s told.” – Nipsey Hussle
  53. “Hope opportunities don’t knock when there are opportunists in your group.” – Nipsey Hussle
  54. “Before rap, my last name was my lifestyle, and when I visualize success, it looked like right now.” – Nipsey Hussle
  55. “I just believe in ownership. I believe in investing in yourself. Your foundation should be strong.” – Nipsey Hussle
  56. “To me, respect comes first.” – Nipsey Hussle
  57. “When you say ‘follow me on Twitter,’ and you get 10 million people to follow you – you just leveraged your influence to add value to an app that you have no ownership in.” – Nipsey Hussle
  58. “I try to sprinkle little gems and jewels in the music that people could use in their own life.” – Nipsey Hussle
  59. “Obviously, from childhood to my teenage years, I really came into my own. I left the house early; I was on the streets when I was, like, 15. I’ve been holdin’ my own since that age.” – Nipsey Hussle
  60. “I was never ignorant as far as being experienced in classrooms, and learning about different subjects, and actually soaking it up.” – Nipsey Hussle
  61. “Dedication, hard work, plus patience.” – Nipsey Hussle
  62. “We represent a hustler. I think we represent inspiration. I think we represent, you know, staying down. I think we represent building yourself up from the bootstraps.” – Nipsey Hussle
  63. “I never wanted to alienate my brand for business. I always wanted to keep it authentic and keep it as pure as I could.” – Nipsey Hussle
  64. “Life is what you make it, I hope you make a movement.” – Nipsey Hussle
  65. “I believe that economics is based on scarcity of markets.” – Nipsey Hussle
  66. “Hoping what I’m doing truly makes my mama proud, ‘cause for a very long time, I was the reason for her frowns.” – Nipsey Hussle
  67. “My thing is that I don’t give no person that much power over my path that I’m walking. Not one person can make or break what I’m doing, except me or God.” – Nipsey Hussle
  68. “And it can be as simple as it seems, if you never doubt yourself and learn from everything you see, no wishing on a star can turn your life into a dream.” – Nipsey Hussle
  69. “Success, to me, is just being able to do what you love to do and support yourself all through.” – Nipsey Hussle
  70. “We act on how we think, and never speak on how we feel.” – Nipsey Hussle
  71. “I’m tryna live my life, so when it’s over, I have no regrets.” – Nipsey Hussle
  72. “I am an anomaly in my space. The way I exist is unique.” – Nipsey Hussle
  73. “I graduated from having haters now I see it all as fake love.” – Nipsey Hussle
  74. “If you’re going to write about rap music and hip-hop, and you don’t love it, then we don’t need your opinion, and we revoke your opinion.” – Nipsey Hussle
  75. “Luck is just being prepared at all times, so when the door opens, you’re ready.” – Nipsey Hussle
  76. “At the core, one of my original goals is to redefine what the streets expect.” – Nipsey Hussle
  77. “I hope my story inspires everyone out there to keep hustling and chasing their dreams.” – Nipsey Hussle
  78. “It’s as big as you wanna make it and, you know, it’s as far as you take it.” – Nipsey Hussle
  79. “Material things ain’t nothing, you feel me? At the end of the day, it’s who you are. You wasn’t born with it; you gon’ die without it.” – Nipsey Hussle
  80. “The company you keep has a large influence on the situations you bring to yourself.” – Nipsey Hussle
  81. “I went hard for the chips ’cause the odds were against us.” – Nipsey Hussle
  82. “Ain’t nobody gave us nothing. I just got my own!” – Nipsey Hussle
  83. “I built a label at the same time I built a career.” – Nipsey Hussle
  84. “I’m at peace with what I’m doing. I feel good about what I wake up doing and about my lifestyle.” – Nipsey Hussle
  85. “We got turned down, we failed, had setbacks, had to start over a lot of times. But we kept going at it. In anybody’s case, that’s always the distinguishing factor.” – Nipsey Hussle
  86. “I call it ‘dropping the rope.’ You’ve got to drop a rope. Everybody got to climb up, but you gotta drop the rope.” – Nipsey Hussle
  87. “I knew I wanted to work for myself when I was about eleven.” – Nipsey Hussle
  88. “I always had a passion for rap music and I was always trying to create a situation where I could do this full-time.” – Nipsey Hussle
  89. “We’re not the cause. We’re the effect.” – Nipsey Hussle
  90. “When I became a man, and I started to understand the difference between the truth and what your parents are supposed to tell you, there’s a difference, know what I mean?” – Nipsey Hussle
  91. “I feel that luck is a product of hard work.” – Nipsey Hussle
  92. “If you don’t know your full-throttle history—the whole story of how you came to where you are—it’s kind of hard to put things together.” – Nipsey Hussle
  93. “Get everything you want, then go back and get some more.” – Nipsey Hussle
  94. “Your parents are supposed to tell you to make decisions that are gonna help you and that’ll have a positive effect on your life and your well-being.” – Nipsey Hussle
  95. “As gang members, as young dudes in the streets, especially in L.A., we’re the effect of a situation. We didn’t wake up and create our own mind-state and our environment; we adapted our survival instincts.” – Nipsey Hussle
  96. “Hoping as you walk across the sand you see my shoeprint.” – Nipsey Hussle
  97. “I’m focusing on the music, but I still have a cold library of books that I’ve either read or I plan on getting to.” – Nipsey Hussle
  98. “Turning up my hustle’s how I give myself a raise.” – Nipsey Hussle
  99. “Don’t expect from others—put in your own work.” – Nipsey Hussle
  100. “I’m more focused on giving solutions and inspiration more than anything.” – Nipsey Hussle

Background of Nipsey Hussle

A. Early Life

Raised in the Crenshaw neighborhood of Los Angeles, Nipsey Hussle was a product of a challenging environment, which wedged a deep influence on his life and music. He harnessed these challenges as fuel to rise, never divorcing his roots, instead using them as a platform to uplift others stumbling through similar struggles.

B. His Music Career

Nipsey’s music career was highlighted by a mix of victories, lessons, and brave choices. From his first mixtape Slauson Boy Volume 1 to his Grammy-nominated debut studio album Victory Lap, Nipsey painted a vivid picture of his life riddled with struggles, triumphs, and the resolve to rise against the odds, leaving an indelible mark in the music industry.

C. His Entrepreneurial Spirit

Nipsey was admired for his entrepreneurial spirit; a trait that saw him turn around a shuttered strip mall into a ‘smart store’ for his clothing brand, Marathon Clothing, providing jobs within his community. His interests were diverse, reaching into real estate, tech, and community programs aimed at empowering youth with knowledge unavailable in traditional education systems.

Influence and Impact of Nipsey Hussle

A. Cultural Impact

Nipsey’s influence on culture punctuated through his music. His lyrics woven from personal experiences reflected the stark realities of his upbringing, instilling a sense of resilience and determination in listeners. His candid depiction of street life added authenticity, making him an influential figure in west coast hip-hop.

B. Community Influence

Nipsey’s deep-rooted commitment to his community manifested in the multifarious initiatives he undertook. Whether through his entrepreneurial ventures providing locals with jobs or launching the STEM program to arm youths with relevant tech knowledge, Nipsey’s actions painted an illustrative story of giving back.

C. Personal Influence

A testament to Nipsey’s influence lies in the testimonials of those who crossed his path. Tales of personal conversations with him, mentorship, or his indirect influence through his music paints Nipsey as an inspiring figure, filled with wisdom and genuine care for others.

Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes

Exploring some of Nipsey Hussle’s quotes reveal the man he was – motivated, determined, and community-centered.

A. Quotes on Motivation

“The only thing that I try to tell young people is that the work is the most important part.” This quote epitomizes Nipsey’s drive and work ethic. He was a firm advocate for hard work and perseverance.

B. Quotes on Success

“Success to me is just being able to do what you love to do and support yourself all through.” Here, Nipsey defines success on his own terms, underscoring autonomy and passion.

C. Quotes on Life and Death

“The game will test you, but never fold. Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you; it’s in you. And what’s in you, they can’t take away.” Even in musing about mortality, Nipsey harbored a champion spirit, perpetuating resilience and inner strength.

D. Quotes on Community and Giving Back

“If you’ve got a plan, it’s not just like a pipe dream. You have a step-by-step list of things to do to get to your goal.” Reflecting his commitment to community upliftment, Nipsey emphasizes the power of planning to achieve goals.

Analysis of Nipsey Hussle’s Quotes

A. Themes in His Quotes

Themes of resilience, hard work, autonomy, and community advancement surface repeatedly in Nipsey’s quotes, creating a marvelous tapestry that mirrors his life and work.

B. Insights From His Quotes

Nipsey’s quotes carry nuggets of wisdom, each one a lesson in resilience, believing in oneself, and the power of giving back.

C. Relevance of His Quotes

Nipsey’s quotes resonate fervently even today, continuously inspiring and motivating individuals worldwide to employ hard work, believe in themselves, and push past obstacles to achieve their goals.

Legacy of Nipsey Hussle

A. His Continuing Impact

Nipsey’s influence, channeled through his music or his heartfelt words, continues to reverberate even post-demise. He lives on in the hearts of many, a beacon of inspiration instigating change and resilience.

B. How His Quotes Sustain His Legacy

His quotes immortalize his philosophies, aspirations, and principles. Serving as daily titbits of motivation and wisdom, they continue to guide, uplift, and provoke thought among the global populace, ensuring the endurance of his legacy.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Who Was Nipsey Hussle?

Nipsey Hussle was an influential American rapper, entrepreneur, and community activist known for his dedication to uplifting his community.

2. How Did Nipsey Hussle Impact His Community?

Nipsey, through his entrepreneurial initiatives, provided jobs in his community, launched the STEM program to equip youths with tech knowledge, and was invested in real estate to curb the gentrification of black neighborhoods.

3. What Are Some Great Nipsey Hussle Quotes?

Nipsey left behind many quotable lines, some famous ones include: “The only thing that I try to tell young people is that the work is the most important part.”, “Success to me is just being able to do what you love to do and support yourself all through.”, and “The game will test you, but never fold. Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you; it’s in you. And what’s in you, they can’t take away.”

4. What Legacy Does Nipsey Hussle Leave Behind?

Nipsey’s legacy is dual-faced: he remains an influential figure in west coast hip-hop, with a musical impact spanning genres and generations, and his deep-rooted commitment to his community, driving initiatives for growth and advancement, has carved his name as a remarkable community advocate. His quotes continue to motivate masses, keeping his legacy alive.


A. Recap of Nipsey’s Life and Influence

Nipsey Hussle was more than a renowned artist; he was a community advocate, entrepreneur, and a man brimming with wisdom. His life, though tragically ended before his time, continues to inspire through his music and words.

B. Final Thoughts

Nipsey’s remarkable journey teaches us the importance of staying true to our roots, the power of persistence, and the beauty of giving back. Ultimately, Nipsey Hussle’s quotes don’t just elicit admiration; they motivate individuals to strive for success despite odds, never forgetting where they come from and how their achievement could contribute to ‘marathoning’ the cycle of success.


This article was compiled from various reputable sources, including interviews, speeches, and Nipsey Hussle’s music and media appearances. Their insightful information contributed significantly to capturing the essence of this profound figure.

By Yuvraj Kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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