List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z "Describing Words"

Imagine painting a picture with words where each stroke adds depth, colour, and life. That’s the power of adjectives. Adjectives are descriptors, words that paint a vivid image, attach detailed information and inject emotion into sentences. Now let’s delve into one specific category of adjectives – positive adjectives. Positive adjectives, as the name implies, are “Describing Words” that communicate an optimistic outlook. They add a pleasant and positive connotation to the subjects they describe.

Why are positive adjectives crucial? It’s simple. Words permeate the very essence of our existence. They influence our thoughts, shape our perceptions, and drive our actions. The consistent and conscious use of positive adjectives can cause a seismic shift in our worldview, enveloping it with positivity.

Employing positive adjectives’s power can assist us in describing ourselves and others in a more vibrant and constructive manner. When used well, positive adjectives can inspire, motivate, and uplift. The article’s title “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'” isn’t just a title; it’s a call to take a delightful dive into the realm of positive descriptors.

But how do you use positive adjectives effectively? Precision is key here. Use adjectives that genuinely reflect the subject while also relaying the desired positive message. Balance is also vital when using adjectives. While they can be empowering, using too many can dampen the impact. It is worth remembering when exploring our “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'”.

Let’s now embark on this colourful journey of exploring the alphabet with positivity, from A to Z, in our “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'”.

The bedrock of our “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'” comprises an extensive range of adjectives, each portraying a different hue of positivity.

A: Abundant – overflowing, plentiful; Accomplished – skillful, proficient; Accountable – responsible, reliable; Active – energetic, lively; Adaptable – flexible, adjustable; Admirable – commendable, worthy of admiration; Adventurous – daring, intrepid.

As you can see, in our “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'”, each word is a kaleidoscope of positivity, transforming the way we perceive things while simultaneously enriching our vocabulary.

The list continues to portray the power and influence of positive adjectives:

Alphabetical List of Positive Adjectives


A-OK A1 Abiding Able Able-bodied
Abounding Aboveboard Absolute Absolved Abundant
Academic Acceptable Accepted Accepting Accessible
Acclaimed Accommodating Accomplished Accordant Accountable
Accredited Accurate Accustomed Acknowledged Acquainted
Active Actual Acuminous Acute Adamant
Adaptable Adept Adequate Adjusted Admirable
Admired Admissible Adonic Adorable Adored
Adroit Advanced Advantaged Advantageous Adventuresome
Adventurous Advisable Aesthetic Aesthetical Affable
Affecting Affectionate Affective Affiliated Affined
Affluent Affluential Ageless Agile Agreeable
Aholic Alacritous Alert Alive All-important
Allegiant Allied Alluring Alright Alternate
Altruistic Amative Amatory Amazing Ambidextrous
Ambitious Amelioratory Amenable Amiable Amicable
Amusing Anamnestic Angelic Aplenty Apollonian
Appealing Appeasing Appetent Appetizing Apposite
Appreciated Appreciative Apprehensible Approachable Appropriate
Approving Apropos Apt Ardent Aristocratic
Arousing Arresting Articulate Artistic Ascendant
Ascending Aspirant Aspiring Assertive Assiduous
Assistant Assisting Assistive Associate Associated
Associative Assured Assuring Astir Astonishing
Astounding Astronomical Astute Athletic Attainable
Attendant Attentive Attractive Atypical Au fait
August Auspicious Authentic Authoritative Authorized
Autonomous Available Avant-garde Avid Awaited
Awake Aware Awash Awesome Axiological


Balanced Baronial Beaming Beatific Beauteous
Beautified Beautiful Becoming Beefy Believable
Beloved Benedictory Benefic Beneficent Beneficial
Beneficiary Benevolent Benign Benignant Bent on
Best Better Big Big-hearted Big-time
Biggest Bijou Blameless Blazing Blessed
Blissful Blithe Blooming Blue-ribbon Bodacious
Boisterous Bold Bona fide Bonny Bonzer
Boss Bound Bounteous Bountiful Brainy
Brave Brawny Breezy Brief Bright
Brill Brilliant Brimming Brisk Broadminded
Brotherly Bubbly Budding Buff Bullish
Buoyant Businesslike Bustling Busy Buxom


Calm Calmative Calming Can-do Candescent
Canny Canty Capable Capital Captivating
Cared for Carefree Careful Caring Casual
Causative Celebrated Celeritous Celestial Centered
Central Cerebral Certain Champion Changeable
Changeless Charismatic Charitable Charming Cheerful
Cherished Cherry Chic Childlike Chipper
Chirpy Chivalrous Choice Chosen Chummy
Civic Civil Civilized Clairvoyant Classic
Classical Classy Clean Clear Clear-cut
Clearheaded Clement Clever Close Clubby
Coadjutant Coequal Cogent Cognizant Coherent
Collected Colossal Colourful Coltish Come-at-able
Comely Comfortable Comforting Comic Comical
Commanding Commendable Commendatory Commending Commiserative
Committed Commodious Commonsensical Communicative Commutual
Companionable Compassionate Compatible Compelling Competent
Complete Completed Complimentary Composed Comprehensive
Concentrated Concise Conclusive Concordant Concrete
Condolatory Confederate Conferrable Confident Congenial
Congruous Connected Conscientious Conscious Consensual
Consentaneous Consentient Consequential Considerable Considerate
Consistent Consonant Conspicuous Constant Constitutional
Constructive Contemplative Contemporary Content Contributive
Convenient Conversant Convictive Convincing Convivial
Cool Cooperative Coordinated Copacetic Copious
Cordial Correct Coruscant Cosmic Cosy
Courageous Courteous Courtly Cozy Crackerjack
Creamy Creative Credible Creditable Crisp
Crucial Crystal (Clear) Cuddly Cultivated Cultured
Cunning Curious Current Curvaceous Cushy
Cute Cutting-edge


Dainty Dandy Dapper Daring Darling
Dashing Dauntless Dazzling Dear Debonair
Decent Deciding Decisive Decorous Dedicated
Deep Defiant Defiantly Definite Deft
Delectable Deliberate Delicate Delicious Delighted
Delightful Deluxe Demonstrative Demulcent Dependable
Deserving Designer Desirable Desired Desirous
Destined Determined Developed Developing Devoted
Devotional Devout Dexterous Didactic Different
Dignified Diligent Dinkum Diplomatic Direct
Disarming Discerning Disciplined Discreet Discrete
Discriminating Dispassionate Distinct Distinctive Distinguished
Distinguishing Diverse Diverting Divine Doable
Dominant Doting Doubtless Doughty Down-to-earth
Dreamy Driven Driving Durable Dutiful
Dynamic Dynamite


Eager Early Earnest Earthly Earthy
Easy Easygoing Ebullient Eclectic Economic
Economical Ecstatic Ecumenical Edified Educated
Educational Effective Effectual Effervescent Efficient
Effortless Elaborate Elated Elating Elder
Electric Electrifying Eleemosynary Elegant Elemental
Eligible Eloquent Emerging Eminent Empathetic
Employable Empowered Enamored Enchanting Encouraged
Encouraging Endearing Enduring Energetic Energizing
Engaging Enhanced Enjoyable Enlightened Enlightening
Enlivened Enlivening Enormous Enough Enriching
Enterprising Entertaining Enthralling Enthusiastic Enticing
Entrancing Entrepreneurial Epicurean Epideictic Equable
Equal Equiponderant Equipped Equitable Equivalent
Erotic Erudite Especial Essential Established
Esteemed Esthetic Esthetical Eternal Ethical
Euphoric Even-handed Eventful Evident Evocative
Exact Exalted Exceeding Excellent Exceptional
Executive Exhilarating Exotic Expansive Expectant
Expeditious Expeditive Expensive Experienced Explorative
Expressive Exquisite Extraordinary Exuberant Exultant


Fab Fabulous Facile Factual Facultative
Fain Fair Faithful Famed Familial
Familiar Family Famous Fancy Fantastic
Far-reaching Far-sighted Fascinating Fashionable Fast
Faultless Favorable Favored Favorite Fearless
Feasible Fecund Felicitous Fertile Fervent
Festal Festive Fetching Fiery Fine
Finer Finest Firm First First-class
First-rate Fit Fitting Flamboyant Flash
Flashy Flavorful Flawless Fleet Flexible
Flourishing Fluent Flying Focused Fond
For real Forceful Foremost Foresighted Forgiving
Formidable Forthcoming Forthright Fortified Fortuitous
Fortunate Forward Foundational Four-star Foxy
Fragrant Frank Fraternal Free Freely
Fresh Friendly Frisky Frolicsome Front-page
Fruitful Fulfilled Fulfilling Full Fun
Funny Futuristic


Gainful Gallant Galore Game Gamesome
Generous Genial Genteel Gentle Genuine
Germane Get-at-able Gettable Giddy Gifted
Giving Glad Glamorous Gleaming Gleeful
Glorious Glowing Gnarly Goal-oriented Godly
Golden Good Good-humored Good-looking Good-natured
Goodhearted Goodly Gorgeous Graced Graceful
Gracile Gracious Gradely Graithly Grand
Grateful Gratified Gratifying Great Greatest
Greathearted Gregarious Groovy Grounded Growing
Grown Guaranteed Gubernatorial Guided Guiding
Guileless Guilt-free Guiltless Gumptious Gustatory
Gutsy Gymnastic


Halcyon Hale Hallowed Handsome Handy
Happening Happy Happy-go-lucky Hard-working Hardy
Harmless Harmonious Head Healing Healthful
Healthy Heart-to-heart Heartfelt Hearty Heavenly
Heedful Hegemonic Helpful Hep Heralded
Heroic Heteroclite Heuristic High High-class
High-minded High-power High-powered High-priority High-reaching
High-spirited Highest Highly regarded Highly valued Hilarious
Hip Holy Homely Honest Honeyed
Honorary Honorable Honored Hopeful Hortative
Hospitable Hot Hotshot Huggy Humane
Humanitarian Humble Humorous Hunky Hygienic
Hypersonic Hypnotic


Ideal Idealistic Idiosyncratic Idolized Illimitable
Illuminated Illuminating Illustrious Imaginative Imitable
Immaculate Immeasurable Immediate Immense Immortal
Immune Impartial Impassioned Impeccable Impeccant
Imperturbable Impish Important Impressive Improved
Improving Improvisational In Incisive Included
Inclusive Incomparable Incomplex Incontestable Incontrovertible
Incorrupt Incredible Inculpable Indefatigable Independent
Indestructible Indispensable Indisputable Individual Individualistic
Indivisible Indomitable Indubitable Industrious Inerrant
Inexhaustible Infallible Infant Infinite Influential
Informative Informed Ingenious Inimitable Initiate
Initiative Innocent Innovative Innoxious Inquisitive
Insightful Inspired Inspiring Inspiriting Instantaneous
Instinctive Instructive Instrumental Integral Integrated
Intellectual Intelligent Intense Intent Interactive
Interconnected Interested Interesting Internal Intertwined
Intimate Intoxicating Intrepid Intriguing Introducer
Inventive Invigorated Invigorating Invincible Inviolable
Inviting Irrefragable Irrefutable Irreplaceable Irrepressible
Irreproachable Irresistible


Jaculable Jam-packed Jaunty Jazzed Jazzy
Jessant Jestful Jesting Jewelled Jiggish
Jigjog Jimp Jobbing Jocose Jocoserious
Jocular Joculatory Jocund Joint Jointed
Jolif Jolly Jovial Joyful Joyous
Joysome Jubilant Judicious Juicy Jump
Just Justified


Keen Kempt Key Kind Kind-hearted
Kindly Kindred Kinetic King-sized Kingly
Kissable Knightly Knowable Knowing Knowledgeable
Kooky Kosher


Ladylike Laid-back Large Lasting Latitudinarian
Laudable Laureate Lavish Law-abiding Lawful
Leading Leading-edge Learned Legal Legendary
Legible Legit Legitimate Leisured Leisurely
Lenien Leonine Lepid Lettered Level-headed
Liberal Liberated Liberating Light-hearted Lightly
Likable Like Like-minded Liked Likely
Limber Lionhearted Literary Literate Lithe
Lithesome Live Lively Logical Long-established
Long-standing Lordly Lovable Loved Lovely
Loving Loyal Lucent Lucid Lucky
Lucrative Luminous Luscious Lush Lustrous
Lusty Luxuriant Luxurious


Made Majestic Market Mellow
Magical Major Marvelous Melodious
Magnanimous Malleable Masculine Memorable
Magnetic Manageable Master Merciful
Magnificent Managerial Masterful Meritable
Maiden Manifest Masterly Meritorious
Main Manly Matchless Merry
Mannerly Many Maternal Mesmerizing
Meaningful Mediate Meek Metaphysical
Maturing Meditative Melodious Meteoric
Maximal Menial Mirthful Methodical
Mettlesome Mighty Minikin Meticulous
Mindful Ministerial Mint Motivated
Miraculous Model Modern Motivating
Mitigative Modernistic Modest Motivational
Momentous Moneyed Moral Motor
Much Mucho Most Moving
Multidimensional Multidisciplined Multifaceted Munificent
Muscular Musical Must Mutual


National Neat Nippy Noted
Nationwide Necessary Noble Noteworthy
Native Needed Noetic Noticeable
Natty Neighborly Nonchalant Nourished
Natural Neoteric Nonpareil Nourishing
Nearby Nestling Normal Novel
Never-failing New Notable Now
New-fashioned Newborn Nubile
Nice Nifty Number one
Nimble Nimble-witted Nutrimental



Objective OK Optimal Out-of-this-world
Obliging Okay Optimistic Outgoing
Observant Olympian Optimum Outstanding
Obtainable On Opulent Overflowing
Oecumenical Once Orderly Overjoyed
Official One Organic Overriding
Open Onward Organized Overt
Open-handed Open-hearted Oriented
Open-minded Operative Original
Opportune Out-of-sight Ornamental


Palatable Participant Picked Polished
Pally Participative Picturesque Polite
Palpable Particular Pierian Popular
Par excellence Partisan Pilot Posh
Paradisiac Passionate Pioneering Positive
Paradisiacal Paternal Pious Possible
Paramount Patient Piquant Potent
Parental Peaceable Pithy Potential
Parnassian Peaceful Pivotal Powerful
Peerless Peachy Placid Pragmatic
Penetrating Perceptive Plausible Praiseworthy
Peppy Perfect Pleasurable Precious
Permanent Permissive Pleasing Prayerful
Perseverant Personable Plenty Precise
Persevering Persuasive Plucky Predominant
Persistent Pert Plummy Prepotent
Picturesque Pertinent Plus Prevalent
Pivotal Petite Poetic Principled
Placid Phenomenal Positive Pristine
Plush Picked Pragmatic Prizewinning
Praiseworthy Primo Procative Prodigious
Preeminent Premium Profitable Professional
Prime mover Prospective Progressive Protective
Principled Public-spirited Plentiful Purchase
Prized Pumped up Punctual Purposeful


Quaint Quick-witted
Qualified Quiet
Qualitative Quietsome
Quality Quintessential
Quantifiable Quirky
Queenly Quiver
Quemeful Quixotic
Quick Quotable


Racy Reachable Regular Resolute
Rad Ready Rejuvenescent Resolved
Radiant Real Relaxed Resounding
Rapid Realistic Relevant Resourceful
Rapturous Realizable Reliable Respectable
Rational Reasonable Relieved Respectful
Razor-sharp Reassuring Remarkable Resplendent
Recipient Regal Replicable Responsible
Reciprocal Regnant Resilient Responsive
Recognizable Rhapsodic Restful Revolutionary
Refined Rich Risible Rewarding
Reflective Right Robust Rounding
Refreshing Righteous Rollicking Rugged
Revered Romantic Rounded Ruling
Revitalizing Rooted Round


Saccharine Saintly Self-assured Soft-hearted
Sacred Salient Self-confident Soigne
Sacrosanct Salubrious Self-disciplined Solicitous
Safe Salutary Self-made Solid
Sagacious Salutiferous Self-sacrificing Sonsy
Sage Sanctioned Self-starting Sooth
Satisfactory Sanguine Self-sufficient Soothing
Satisfied Sapid Sentimental Savvy
Satisfying Savory Service Scenic
Saucy Saving Settled Scholarly
Scintillating Scrumptious Sharp Spectacular
Scrupulous Seamless Showy Speedy
Seasoned Seasonal Shrewd Silver-toned
Second-to-none Selfless Silky Simple
Secure Sensational Singular Sincere
Sedulous Sensible Sisterly Sizable
Seemly Sensitive Sizzling Skilled
Select Serendipitous Sleek Slick
Social Sound Spotless Spontaneous
Souped-up Sovereign Spruce Spry
Special Spanking Square Stalwart
Spectacular Sparkling Staunch Stamina
Spiffy Spontaneous Steadfast Steady
Sthenic Stipendiary Sterling Stimulating
Stirring Stoical Stouthearted Stupendous
Stunning Storied Straightforward Stylish
Sturdy Strong Subtle Successful
Sultry Studious Sufficient Succulent
Sumptuous Sun-kissed Sure-handled Sybaritic
Sunny Super-duper Synergistic Systematic


Tactful Tasteful Therapeutic Tolerant
Tailor-made Tasty Thorough Top
Take-charge Teachable Thoughtful Top drawer
Talented Teeming Thrilled Top-notch
Tangible Tempean Thrilling Tops
Temperate Tenable Thriving Total
Tenacious Tender Tidy Totally-tubular
Tender-hearted Terrific Tight Touching
Testimonial Thankful Time-honored Tough
Thankworthy Timeless Tiptop Trim
Today Timely Tympanic Titanic
Together Tolerant Transcendent Transient
Trustful Trustworthy Trusty Tubular
Tuneful Turgent True


Uber Ultra Unafraid Undefiled
Ultimate Ultraprecise Unalloyed Undeniable
Unabashed Unadulterated Unambiguous Under control
Unaffected Unanimous Unarguable Understandable
Unassuming Unattached Unbeaten Understanding
Unbelievable Unbiased Unbigoted Understood
Unblemished Unbroken Uncommon Undesigning
Uncomplicated Unconditional Uncontestable Undiminished
Unconventional Uncorrupted Uncritical Undisputed
Undamaged Undauntable Undaunted Undivided
Undefeated Unequalled Unequivocal Undoubted
Unerring Unfailing Unfaltering Unencumbered
Unfaultable Unfeigned Unfettered Unflagging
Unflappable Ungrudging Unhampered Unharmed
Unhesitating Unhurt Unified Unimpaired
Unimpeachable Unimpeded Unique United
Universal Unlimited Unmistakable Unmitigated
Unobjectionable Unobstructed Unobtrusive Unopposed
Unprejudiced Unpretentious Unquestionable Unrefuted
Unreserved Unrivalled Unruffled Unselfish
Unshakable Unshaken Unspoiled Unspoilt
Unstoppable Unsullied Unsurpassed Untarnished
Untiring Untouched Untroubled Unusual
Unwavering Up Up-front Up-to-date
Upbeat Upcoming Uplifted Uplifting
Uppermost Upright Upstanding Upward
Upwardly Urbane Usable Useful
User-friendly Utmost


Valiant Vast Venerable Versatile
Valid Vaulting Venturesome Versed
Validatory Vehement Venust Very
Valorous Valuable Veracious Vestal
Valued Vibrant Vibratile Veteran
Veridical Verified Victor Viable
Verdurous Visionary Vital Victorious
Vigilant Vivacious Vivid Vigorous
Virile Vocal Volant Virtuous
Volitional Voluptuous Vulnerary


Wanted Welcome Well-disposed Well-known
Warm Welcomed Well-established Well-liked
Warm-hearted Welcoming Well-founded Well-made
Warranted Weleful Well-grounded Well-meaning
Wealthy Welfaring Well-informed Well-planned
Weighty Well Well-intentioned Well-read
Wide-awake Widely used Winning Wisely
Willed Willing Winsome With it
Winged Whimsical Wired Within reach
Whiz-bang Whole Wise Without equal
Wholehearted Wholesome Witty Wizard
Whopping Wonderfully Workable Worth
World-class Worldly Worldly-wise Worthwhile
Worshipful Worthy


  1. Xenial
  2. Xenodochial


Yern Young Young-at-Heart Youthful


Zaftig Zappy Zealous Zingy
Zany Zazzy Zestful Zippy
Zealed Zealful Zesty Zootrophic



In exploring this “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'”, you will breathe life into the world around you. You could describe your day as “fine,” or it could be “fantastic.” A friend may be “nice,” or they could be “noble.” A task might be “difficult,” or it could be “daring.”

Positive adjectives are simple yet powerful tools that can drastically impact the way we express ourselves, perceive others, and interpret the world around us. So why not incorporate them into our daily lives?


What are positive adjectives?

Positive adjectives are “describing words” that add a positive connotation to the noun they’re modifying. They can create a positive mood, highlight positive aspects and qualities, and support a positive communication style.

How can positive adjectives affect our mindset? Our language shapes how we perceive the world. Using positive adjectives can result in a more optimistic view of life. These words can help us see opportunities, recognize our strengths, and appreciate the good in others.

When and how should we use positive adjectives? Use positive adjectives whenever applicable. They can enhance personal or written communications, include them in feedback, resumes, cover letters, and in everyday descriptions.

Can positive adjectives improve my writing? Yes, including positive adjectives can elevate your writing by creating more engaging and lively descriptions. It makes the text more compelling and can enhance the reader’s experience.

What is the best way to increase my list of positive adjectives? Reading extensively can expose you to a wide variety of adjectives. Additionally, you can systematically go through a list of positive adjectives—like our ‘List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words’’—and incorporate them in your daily life, one at a time.


In this comprehensive journey through the alphabet, we have delved into the expressive world of positive adjectives, from A to Z, unwrapping the subtle nuances of “Describing Words”. Every step in this linguistic exploration, from abundant to zestful, has subtly highlighted the immense power of language in shaping thought, creating inspiring narratives, and fostering positivity.

The “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'” isn’t a mere list but a vibrant palette of words, each uniquely coloured, and touchingly impactful. Every adjective we’ve discussed has the power to uplift, encourage, motivate, and shape an optimistic worldview. They can transform otherwise ordinary expressions into meaningful, expressive sentences that leave a lasting impact.

Using positive adjectives improves not only our individual perspectives but also our communications with others. By consciously choosing to describe people, places, and events with positive language, we can foster an environment of positivity, encouragement, and appreciation. Our word choices are like sparks – they can ignite the flame of positivity, or extinguish it. Hence, let’s remember to fuel the fire of optimism.

Our “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'” is a testament to the boundless beauty of language. It’s like a colourful garden where words bloom into enchanting flowers of expressions, adding vibrance, positivity, and light to our lives. It’s our hope that you will incorporate these adjectives into your daily life, infusing a positive aura into your conversations and creating eloquent, impactful narratives.

Let’s continue to embrace the positivity these words bring, and use them to paint our communication in bright tones of encouragement and warmth. Remember, words are tools — powerful and transformative. So let’s keep this illuminating “List of Positive Adjectives from A to Z ‘Describing Words'” close, as we script our stories with strokes of positivity and hues of encouragement, one word at a time. After all, a single adjective can change our outlook, impact our perspective, and colour our world with positivity.

By Yuvraj Kore

Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.

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